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    5 Ways to Improve Your Rocket League Rank

    5 Ways to Improve Your Rocket League Rank

    The ranking system in Rocket League holds significant importance in this highly competitive game. Even though playing for fun is an option, numerous players find the rank system an excellent way to measure their skills. However, your rank may not always reflect your true abilities, and playing like a bronze or silver player won't get you to Grand Champion or beyond.

    While competing in Rocket League matches can be enjoyable for many players, improving one's matchmaking rank can be a challenging and tedious task. Fortunately, several easy methods can assist you in making the process more manageable. Below are five approaches to improve your placement in the Rocket League ranking system.

    1. Practice Advanced Movement Techniques

    One of the things that Rocket League is famous for in the gaming community is the wide range of movement techniques available through its physics engine. These techniques, including wave dashing, air roll, flip canceling, and nose spinning, are crucial for success in competitive game modes, despite not being covered in the game tutorial. Without mastering these techniques, players may struggle to keep up with others in the higher ranks, and even drag their team down. To improve your chances of success in competitive play, it is recommended that you practice advanced movement techniques in a training lobby or casual matches, mimicking the techniques used by pro players.


    2. Change Your Car

    While it may seem like an obvious tip, many players tend to stick with their preferred car without considering a change. However, not all cars perform equally in competitive play, as some hitboxes are more effective than others. For instance, the Octane is generally more favored in ranked matches compared to the Merc. Although using your favorite car doesn't necessarily mean you won't climb the ranks, it's worth noting that many higher-ranked players use specific cars for a reason. To improve your Rocket League rank, it may be helpful to research the current meta and observe what cars professional players are utilizing in their matches.


    3. Tweak Your Settings

    Making a few adjustments to your settings can be a game-changer in Rocket League. Although the default settings are fine, tweaking them can give you an advantage in matches. If you watch pro players in ranked matches, you'll notice that they often disable distracting graphics settings and use a maximum field of view. This helps them stay focused and gives them an edge in higher-ranked matches. So, if you want to improve your game, try adjusting your settings and see how it affects your play.


    4. Learn Positioning And How To Rotate

    Positioning is a key skill in Rocket League, and while it may not be as crucial for lower-ranked solo play, it becomes increasingly important as you climb the ranks. Poor positioning and lack of rotation with your teammates can lead to your opponents taking advantage and keeping your rank low. Proper positioning and rotation are essential for effective teamwork, enabling you to work smoothly with your teammates without relying on chat. Mastering these skills will ensure that your matches run smoothly and your rank climbs steadily.


    5. Don’t Get Tilted

    Achieving success in online team games can be a challenging task, and the same is true for Rocket League. As you climb higher in the ranking system, your teammates' performance can significantly impact the outcome of the match. Ranked modes can be stressful, with your MMR constantly on the line. Losing several matches in a row can quickly undo hours of hard work, especially in higher ranks like Grand Champion or Supersonic Legend. Players often share stories of being trapped in lower ranks due to their lack of skill or team-related issues. It's easy to get tilted during online play, and if you're not careful, it can lead to a rapid decline in your ranking. Therefore, taking a step back, deep breathing, and a short break is a good idea when you feel like you're getting tilted.


    To Sum Up

    Competitive Rocket League matches are a serious matter for many players, and they are willing to go to great lengths to climb the four divisions of their rank efficiently. If you find yourself struggling with the ranking system, consider adopting the five methods outlined here to improve your performance in the game.

    Thank you for reading our Rocket League tips and tricks blog! If you're looking to take your game to the next level, be sure to check out our comprehensive improvement guide, which covers everything from advanced movement techniques to positioning and team play strategies. With our guide, you'll be on your way to climbing the Rocket League ranks in no time!




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